Show attributes in a text

how to integrate a subtitle to a product from the Woocommerce attributes?
Example, I have a product named “Rose” and I would like to add a subtitle to it from a product attribute. Here the attribute is called “Latin name”.
In the Layout builder, it is possible to add elements like: {{dc:woocommerce:product_title}} Which displays the title of the product. But how to do the same thing with the content of an attribute? I did not find any shortcode allowing me to do this. Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @jptrottier,

Thanks for reaching out.
Unfortunately, there is no such option to get the attributes value in the Dynamic Content tag. But If you still want to use the product_title as a Dynamic Content, you need to create custom Dynamic Content. I would suggest you go through the following thread on that.

If you are not proficient on coding, please hire a developer who can assist you to do the customization or you can avail of our newly launched service called One, where we answer the questions beyond normal theme support.


ok thanks @tristup,
before trying my luck in the code… i would like to ask you if there is another alternative. Rather than showing the content of an attribute, is it possible to create a field in the woocommerce product and make it appear on the product page? I could create a standard title and add a shortcode to it that shows the content of the field? A custom filed that would only serve to display the Latin title that I want to display?

Thanks very much!

Hi @jptrottier,

Alternatively, you can create a shortcode that returns a specific attribute, and use it wherever you want. Please go through the following thread which may help you on this.


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