Short codes aren't working

Trying to use a custom short code but it’s not working. I tested this short code in another wordpress installation and it worked as expected. Hope you can help with this. Thanks.

Hey @brocknessmonster,

Thanks for reaching out!

I have verified the shortcode on my end, and it is functioning properly. This indicates that the issue may be due to a plugin or custom code conflict within that installation. Please review the troubleshooting procedures.

Hope that helps.

I went through that linked article. Did not find the cause of the short code issue.

Thank you for the info.

Instead of using the shortcode, try using a Twig template. We created a test page. Please check the link in the secure note.

<p>{% set length = 10 %}<br />
{% set characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' %}<br />
{% set random_string = '' %}</p>
<p>{% for i in 1..length %}<br />
{% set random_string = random_string ~ random(characters) %}<br />
{% endfor %}</p>

<form><input value="{{random_string}}" type="text" /></form>
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