Section Background Image Cut Off


I’m wanting to create this:

Is there some super ninja skills that can keep it from getting cut off when it is sized responsively? I’ve played around with it for a bit, but I’m beginning to think it’s impossible. Note: I’m happy for the number of rows of photos on the top and bottom to change depending on screen size, I just don’t want a row to get chopped in half like this:

Thank you!!


Hello Ashley,

Thank you for the details.

To resolve your issue, please set the size to “Contain” and the position to “Top Left”. If you use top center, most likely the left and rightmost part of the background might be cut off.

To better understand how background images works, please check this out:

Best Regards.

Thank you! That made it look a lot better, but I’m still having the issue when it is resized responsively, that the images are getting cut across horizontally (see yellow boxes). Is this something that is possible to fix, or is it just how it is? I’m able to re-layup the image in a different way if you have a recommendation that would fix this problem. Or is there another setting I can adjust?

Hello Ashley,

You can only control the size and position of the image. You cannot have any more control over how the image will be displayed especially if the background image is repeated for both X and Y axis.

You can make us of the Upper Layer and Lower Layer background image option. You might lessen the possibility of the image from getting cut off. Or maybe you can increase/decrease the top and bottom padding in your section settings and see how it would look like in your screen.

This is what I am seeing on my screen by the way:

Hope this helps.

Thank you!!

You are most welcome!

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