Search Results Page - Title only displayed without content or excerpts

We installed the Relevanssi – A Better Search plugin to index the content of our pages and show content in search results. When doing a search using a keyword, the results page shows us the titles of the pages or posts that contain the keyword in their content, but not the content itself. Do we need to modify the search.php file? See attached screenshot showing source code as well with empty entry-content excerpt div tags.

We have WordPress 5.0.3 installed and theme is Pro version 2.4.6 using a child theme.


Hi Clark,

Thanks for writing in! Could you please review the following thread to understand it better ( and to see possible solutions.

Hope that helps.

I understand. Thanks.

On a related note, but pertaining to CSS, I’m trying to make the hover color of the page/post titles on the search results page the same color as the “a” link color. See my CSS code below. For some reason, the hover color fades to a light opacity blue instead of maintaining the same exact blue as in the “a” link CSS. Any idea why this is happening?

.search-results .entry-title a {
 color: rgb(0,51,204);

.search-results .entry-title a:hover {
 color: rgb(0,51,204) !important;  /* COLOR PROPERTY NOT WORKING   */


Hi Clark,

Your hover color code is working, it’s the opacity that you need to adjust.

.search-results .entry-title a:hover {
    color: rgb(0,51,204) !important;
    text-decoration: underline;
    opacity: 1;

Hope it helps,

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