Same Slug Name


Can you use the same name for the slug in Categories, Posts and Pages? For example, a Category slug is called “test”, a Post slug is called “test” and a Page slug is called “test”.


Hello @adventurer,

Thanks for writing to us.

You can save the same slug for page/posts/category but it would not work. You can access the category page by URL like this If you set the post and page same slug, then WordPress doesn’t serve the URL as a post page of your post. Instead, WordPress will serve the page you created with that slug /test/. That means when you visit, you’ll see the page, instead of the posts page.



After researching “slugs”, I have a better understanding of their purpose and the best practices for naming them. So, I’m going to keep Categories slug at "test’, Pages at “different-test” and the post slug will be an optimized version of the post title.

Thanks again!

Hello @adventurer,

Glad that we were able to help you. Please feel free to open a new thread if you have any more queries.


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