Same Page Anchor-Links not Working anymore

Hi There

We use same page anchor-links like “#sectionid” in our X-Theme main menu for navigation in a single-page website.

However, them menu links stopped working and we can not figure out the reason.

None of the workarounds I could find in this forum did help so far.

-our id’s are unique
-our anchors id’s are on Section elements
-we deactivated all other plugins, nothing improved

While debugging I found out, that for some strange reason, a “Javascript” seems to be triggered when clicking on a menu item link.

The website of concern:

Please help.

Thank You and kind regards.

Hi Pascal,

Thanks for reaching out!

I just check your website and currently, you have an old X theme version 5.0.3 and you have the latest version of Cornerstone which is 5.2.3 and they are not compatible with each other and maybe that’s the reason why the page anchor not working properly. To fix it, first, I suggest that you deactivate and uninstall your cornerstone plugin to avoid any conflict when upgrading your X theme. Second, upgrade your X theme to the latest version and the last thing you should do is install the cornerstone plugin again.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Hi Marc,

Thanks for You reply.

While trying to update the X theme I encountered a broken “WordPress Wrap” page. (Your custom “Overview” page under the “X” menu item within the WP-backend.

It seems that some files are missing:

How can I update the X Theme in this situation? Or is there a download of the complete old X theme on Your website to fix the current installation?

I’m hesitant just to overwrite the current theme with the new theme files, because I assume some update scripts need to be executed?!
Or would that work?

Thank You and kind Regards


Hello Pascal,

Please go to Dashboard > Updates Themes. This is where you can the X theme. If this does not help, you update the X theme manually. Kindly check out this documentation:

Kindly let us know how it goes.

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