There’s probably an really ease solution to this, but I cant seem to solve it.
I want to make a slider at the top of all my pages. Just a simple one image slider wth a layer of text on it. Image has to be full-width.
Reason why I am forced to use the slider, is that it seems that in cornerstone I cant use the Image option or section background option. If I use the image option, I cannot add a layer with text. If I use the section background, I can add a test layer, but the image becomes flexible and will not be shown entirely on different devices.
So I made a slider with one image and a layer of text. When i publish the slider on the page, I will get a white area directly beneath the slider. First I thought it was due to margins, but all is at 0.
Then I noticed that the white area is the unused area of my Grid layer in Revolution. I can only shorten the vertical size of the grid and then the white area gets smaller. But that doesnt solve the problem because the grid layer is the maximum size that can be used by the slider. In my opinion it shouldnt be showing the empty grid space at all. But I can find any solution to not show the unused grid space.
Could you help me out?