Revolution slider title of next slide as an arrow

Hi there,

is it possible to make arrows of the slider look/say just the title of the next & previous slide?

Hi @vojtechzikmund,

Please kindly read this official documentation of the Revolution Slider arrows:

Especially, the Placeholders in the Markup section which contains the exact information you need to implement the title as a next/prev feature.

Thank you.

Thank you. I’ve managed to have the arrow and title of the slider, but cannot find out how to make the title been shown always? Now, it shows only on hover.

< div class=“tp-title-wrap”>
< /div>

Hello @vojtechzikmund,

Please check the visibility settings. Make sure that it is set to “Always Show”.

Hope this helps. Please let us know how it goes.

I have it set to “Always show”, but the title shows only when hovering over the arrow…

Hi @vojtechzikmund,

It could be done through custom CSS. Would you mind providing the URL of the site in question so that we can check? I tried checking your licenses page but I can’t find the site that reflects the screenshot you posted.

Thank you.


Sure! I’m sending you URL and credentials in secure note.

Hey @vojtechzikmund,

Please add this code in X > Theme Options > CSS:

#rev_slider_86_2 .wella.tparrows .tp-title-wrap {
    transform: scalex(1) scaley(1);
    -webkit-transform: scalex(1) scaley(1);
    background-color: #fff;

#rev_slider_86_2 .wella.tparrows .tp-arr-titleholder {
    transform: translatex(0px);
    -webkit-transform: translatex(0px);
    transition-delay: 0.1s;
    opacity: 1;

#rev_slider_86_2 .tp-title-wrap {
    margin-left: 0;

Hope this helps.


Thanks! Worked like a charm :slight_smile:

Another Q: Would it be possible to disable this slider from rotating - meaning, disable the option going from last slide to first slide. Vice versa, from first slide to last slide (as previous)?

Hello @vojtechzikmund,

You will need to stop the slide at the last slide. Find the option in the General Settings.

For more details, please check this documentation:

That’s not what I meant.

What I would like to achieve is not being able to go from last slide to first (next) and vice versa on first slide not be able to go last slide (previous). Like if you deleted the next arrow on the last slide and deleted previous arrow on the first slide. Possible?

Hi @vojtechzikmund,

I checked and it appears not possible, maybe with custom development but would be tricky as the functionalities are tied together.


Okay, thank you for checking though!

You’re most welcome!

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