Hi @tristup,
i was able to solve the problem today, and decided to share.
Even though PRO still does not allow this function i was able to solve the matter using a basic WP shortcode, which i then used on the custom post LAYOUT.
@Kennyboy7 was using an ACF php filter, so making a custom shorcode should prove to be even easier.
So i have a repeater field, inside that repeater i have a group field with 5 data fields (text, numbers, etc.),
It is used by placing a shorcode named [indirizzi]
in order to retrieve the data from those 5 fields (on this example i only fetch 2 of those)and print it on page i used the following function:
function print_acf_repeater_groups() {
// Check rows exists.
if( have_rows('indirizzi') ):
// Loop through rows.
while( have_rows('indirizzi') ) : the_row();
// Do something...
if( have_rows('lista-indirizzi') ):
while( have_rows('lista-indirizzi') ): the_row();
$indirizzo_formattato = get_sub_field('via_o_piazza') . ' ' . get_sub_field('citta');
echo $indirizzo_formattato;
// End loop.
endwhile; endif;
// End loop.
// No value.
else :
// Do something...
return; }
add_shortcode('indirizzi', 'print_acf_repeater_groups');
it is simple, and much more could be added depending on your context, but i hope it helps as a starting point for someone.