Rescuing content from cornerstone content shortcodes

I’ve had a weird thing happen. I did a find/replace using Better Find Replace – something I’ve done many times successfully. After it completed, all my pages are now duplicates of another page. :open_mouth:

If I view “text” in the WordPress editor, the Cornerstone content is still there. Restoring the post via revisions doesn’t do anything.

Is there any way for me to rescue this content and restore the pages? Is there a way, say, to create a template from the shortcode content? Is there anything I can do in the database to get it to use the correct content?


Hey @aaronschmidt,

Thanks for writing in! There should be a backup in your hosting provider. You may need to contact them and ask them to revert back to a certain point in time. That’s the time before you did the find and replace or the steps that you did that resulted to the issue. A backup of the previous day should be present in the hosting.

Hope this makes sense.