Remove the word "Description" which automatically appears in long description box of woocommerce product tables

Hi Guys

Can anyone advise on how to remove the word “Description” from the long product description box on a woocommerce - single product page. I’ve attached 2 screen shots - 1 from the back end where it does not show when inputting the product blub & then the front end - which it shows up on automatically just above the heading of my product.

I want to leave the tab heading as description - just disable the word (highlighted in yellow) that pops up in the blurb on the front end.

Website is


Hey @collectthatcomic,

Add following CSS code to 'Edit Global CSS section in customizer.

.description_pane > h2 {
     display: none;

Hope this helps


Thanks so much - that worked perfectly!

You’re most welcome.