Remove TAP to Unmute


How can we hide the “Top to Unmute” on Revolution Slider on Mobile when having a video BG? any idea?

see attached

Hello @chmm9002,

Thanks for writing to us.

To get rid of the “Tap unmute” button, please have a look at the Revolution Slider media action documentation.


Thanks for your help - however… it is for a background layer and not an actual video layer. Any idea?

Hi Randall,

I don’t see any more documentation other than what my colleague give you on how to remove the tap to unmute. If you would like to remove it, it can be done with customization. Regretfully, customization is outside the scope of our theme support. You may seek 3rd party developers to help you with your problems or you can avail One where we can answer questions outside of the features of our theme.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

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