Remove/ Reduce White Space Used By Social Media Icons In Footer

I wanted to ask if how can I remove or reduce the WHITE SPACE used by the Theme’s Social Media Icons in the FOOTER?

Here is the screenshot of the page:

I’m currently developing the site, I don’t know if you can see it but here is the IP Address:
You have to add the address to your host file.

The site is:


Hello @hcdc070165,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

You can add following CSS to reduce the footer social media spacing:

.x-colophon.bottom .x-social-global {margin: 0;}

.x-colophon.bottom .x-colophon-content {margin-top: 0;}

.x-colophon.bottom .x-colophon-content h3 {margin-top: 10px;}


Hi @Prasant,
I tried using the code you posted but it still didn’t remove/ reduce the social media spacing.
Is there other css codes I could try?

Hi There,

Please add the following code to Theme Options CSS

If that does not help please provide a screenshot what spacing you are referring to.

.x-colophon.bottom .x-colophon-content {
    margin-top: 0px;

Thank you

Hi @Joao,
I’ve added that css code earlier but it didn’t work.

Here is the space that I wanted to be removed/ reduced. (see attached image)


Hi There,

That is actually the top footer or Footer Widget Areas, you can disable that under X > Launch > Theme Options > Footer if you’re not planning to put anything in there.

Hope it helps,