Redirect / Button activity delay

I have the following specific case.

I have a form at the site which sends out a POST request to an external resource which accepts the data and prepares the payment link. It takes 30–50 seconds in average to make it workable (I now which URL it will be and can pull it up).

I need to create a redirect page saying that we are to generate your payment link in a moment with a countdown and a button with that payment link URL, but I need that button to stay inactive for some time. Is there a way to implement that with Cornerstone and PRO Theme?

Hello John,

Thanks for writing in! The redirect page will be managed by the form you are using. There should be a setting in the form plugin. Any form plugin should work with Cornerstone or the Pro theme. Any advanced feature that the form plugin is missing, your inquiries should be directed to the creators of the form plugin.

Best Regards.

Probably I didn’t explain the task properly.
The form plugin works but its outgoing Webhook feature has a delay by the fact. I asked the developer why but haven’t got the reply yet. It works, however and my POST requests go through and responces from the remote server confirms that they received properly.

So I have a delema if to bypass this disadvantage by creating a redirect page in Cornerstone and PRO which will have a kind of interaction elements evidently showing in some way to the user that he needs to wait for 30 seconds before he can really use that link or to use other tools in Cornerstone and PRO maybe with its rather new API features and Twig to do the same form data transfer quicker than the Fluent Forms plugin does.

I was asking about first scenario when you put up some page in Cornerstone with something like countdown or progress bar which shows that these 30 seconds are still on going, please wait before cliciking that button with the payment link.

But I am also open to advanced Cornerstone & PRO tools which can help to send out forms data instantly to an external server quicker than Fluent Forms or Fluent CRM does. I remember that you have some integration with Gravity Forms in that respect, however it is a solution which does not have LTD licence. For some clients it is a deal breaking as they are not ready to pay for plugins on yearly basis. They want to pay for the projects once and minimise their site support expences.

By the way, the same way as Themeco’s products, Flent Forms, Flent CRM, Flent Booking, Fluent Tables and Flent Boards are also very advanced and fast developing solutions with have a great feature set and integration potential. That would be nice if Themeco could support them deeper like Gravity Forms as they can enrich potential of what is possible for the devs using all these products for their projects to an unbeatable level. However, they can be used together out of the box in standard implementation.

Okay, my last message was probably too broad. Let’s try to be more specific for a possible resolution of the task.

I found a Shortcode Redirect plugin that essentially lets us add a short code to a page with a specific redirect URL and set up a redirect delay for it. That short code looks like this: [redirect url='' sec='30'] We can easily add it to the page via Text or Raw Content element in the Cornerstone and add parameters for quick delay adgustment and grab of initial redirect slug on Fluent Form submission to use it as id parameter for constructing our payment URL for delayed redirect. I used {{ url.param({"key":"id"}) }} to grab the parameter passes over by Fleunt Form.

Now the only question left is if that is possible to add Cornerstone Coundown element and set it up the way that it would count down lets say 30 seconds from the moment when the page was initially loaded? Maybe the recently introduced Twig can help to work its magic out. Can you suggest?

Another scenario I can think of is this. Fluent Form submites entry and redirects us to the fist page with a video about the service to fill up awaiting time for POST request to process. In this case we need to add a button bellow the video which will be hidden while it is playing. When it is finished the button with another redirect link (to the payment page) pops up. I do not know how to implement that in Cornerstone yet.

Maybe one or all of the scenarios are good for your new video tutorials at YouTube. Who knows. It is up to you.

Hey John,

What you need to do will require custom development which regretfully is beyond the scope of our support. You’d need to consult or hire a web developer.

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