Problems with post type gallery 2


Few days ago we sent a topic about problems to publish post type galley. You sent us different answer to solve our problem, but due to different problems we have been not able to read the last one until now.
First of all, our apologies for the delay.

This is the URL to the topic: Problems with post type gallery

The solutions you gave us works, the problems is that when we started tpo work with the different page we have built with X Theme, it was possible to publish a post type gallery attaching the different images directly in the post administrator, and it was no necessary to publish the post and go after ir to Media and click into the images attach link
Is not possible now?

Hi @custoses,

Regretfully, for now, the process described in your previous post is the only way to attach the images.

Thanks for understanding

OK. Thank you for your quick answer

You are most welcome.

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