Problem with theme translation

Hi there,

I’m trying to translate this page with pro:

I have been able to do most via editing the .po and .mo files, however, the apply coupon button is a stubborn one.
After some searching, I found that I should create a separate cart.php file (the file which contains this string) in pro-child/woocommerce/cart/cart.php. I edited the file so it displayed the translation, but it does not work on the front-end, any idea why?

Thanks a bunch!

Hi There,

Please setup a child theme first:

After that add the following code under functions.php file locates in your child theme directory:

add_filter( 'gettext', 'x_edit_texts' );
function x_edit_texts($translation){
	$translation = str_ireplace('Apply Coupon', 'Your text', $translation);
	return $translation;

Replace Your text with your language.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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