Pro Search Pagination issue

I’m currently building a website for a client using Pro and CS.
Unfortunately, I’m experiencing a strange phenomenon or incorrect behavior with the archive layout for the search results page:
When I click on page 4 of the pagination, page 5 of the search results doesn’t appear, but rather strange, different results in a different layout. The search form then appears at the very bottom.
If I only search for “a” in the search form, the search results form doesn’t appear, but rather the archive page of another CPT, “Services.”
This is all very strange.
I’m sending the login details and hope you can find the error.
Perhaps it’s because I’ve integrated a search function into the menu?
Best regards,

Hello @salilou,

Thanks for writing in!

Please make sure that the priority of the Search layout has less value than the other layouts.

The higher the number, the lesser the priority. And I would also recommend that you add a custom class or ID to the section in each of your archive layouts so that you can easily find out which layout is displayed at the moment. For example;

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Thank you. This worked a bit.
All pagination pages 1-18 do work, but page 9 does not.
The class of the search results layout is “searchresults-layout” now and has priority -5.
I send the link in a secure note.

Now I got it running.
I had some old pages.
I have set them as Draft now, so that they do not appear in the search results.
Now the search is not broken anymore.
Could it be, that in the old pages, which I had build with CS a few years ago, some old odd css was causing the issue?

Hi @salilou,

Glad to know that everything is running now.
