Pro header: How to keep phone number and/or Contact Us button in mobile view

Using Pro header builder: I have two buttons (phone number and contact us) in the same container as the inline nav menu. Everything is visible in desktop.

How would I keep one or both buttons visible in mobile view? Right now, only the inline nav menu converts to a menu icon and remains in mobile. Definite want the option of a number of contact button in mobile.


Hi there,

Thanks for writing in! There are actually two separate bars for desktop and mobile screens, It sounds like you’ve added your buttons in the desktop bar only. To show the buttons in mobile screens, add your buttons in mobile bar as well.

Hope this helps!

Can you point me in the direction of where I could find more information / documentation on how to set up (configure) the mobile bar.

No need to respond. I found a similar thread that you participated in from April 18th that had the screenshot of how to designate which bar would show on mobile versus desktop. Thanks.

I spoke too soon. I started by copying my original bar so that the two bars are identical in terms of containers/buttons. The original bar was designated in customize to only show on larger screens, and the copied bar was customized to show on mobile screens.

The issue: The mobile bar has the same buttons, but they are not visible. Is it a matter of the size of my buttons, a different setting that needs adjusting, etc. Thanks.

Hey @apadkins,

Please check your button’s Hide During Breakpoints setup as they might be hidden also. If that does not help, please provide the URL of the page having this issue.


No luck, the breakpoints for both buttons in “Bar Mobile” are set how I believe that should be. The bars I’m building are in draft. The site url is but it only publicly shows the nav bar I build previously, before trying to build with Pro header builder.

How do I send you admin log in credentials privately?

I sent a secure not with the site information. If you could help with making the buttons in the mobile bar visible, that would be great.

Hi @apadkins,

Little confuse because I could see that you have mobile button in your mobile view.

Would you mind sharing us more details.


Hello There,

I have logged in and checked your custom headers. It seems that all the custom headers were unassigned yet.

Please assign the header to a page or globally before it will take effect in your site. Currently, the header is displaying the default one because no custom header were assigned.

I also checked your custom header and it seems that both the buttons were hidden in smaller screens. Please click the buttons, find the “Customize” tab and make sure that the “Hide During Breakpoints” is disabled. When enabled, of course the element is hidden in the screen size which you have selected.

To know more how the “Hide During Breakpoints” works, please check this out:

Thank you, RueNel! Very informative and perfect.

We are delighted to assist you with this.


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