PRO HEADER | How to get the Rev.Slider below the Header?

Hi, I want to create a transparent header that appears on top of a revolution Slider. At the moment i only have the options to set the Rev.Slider above or below the header…

It should kind of look like this demo header:

Hi @pamadesign,

Thanks for reaching out.
To make your navigation bar over the slider/hero image
To create the transparent header over the slider you need to add some custom CSS code shown in the following article.

Please remember that the code in the above article will work only for the Home Page, you need to change the .home to .page as .home is pointing to the Home Page only. You can go through the following article that explains the code for the pages.

Hope it helps.

Hi. I think i just found the solution. Absolute instead of relative made the difference… Now the PRO header is on top of the RS. But thanks anyways :nerd_face:

Hi @pamadesign,

Glad to know that you found the solution.


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