Pro Header: active menu item with colored background?

Hi there,

how can I change the background of an active menu item (navigation collapsed)?
If a menu item is clicked, the background of this item should change to the “brand primary” color and the font to “brand secondary” and this should stay (no particle) to indicate the current menu status.

Now the active item is only indicated with a change of the font color, which is the same, as the hover color, isn’t it?

Thank you,

Hello Michael,

Thanks for writing in! The navigation setting is for the base and interaction of the menu items only. Regretfully we do not have any option that you can add the current menu active status. Can you please us the URL of the site so we can check it further?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @ruenel
Thank you for your answer. I have attached a link in the secure note.
What I want to achieve is like that:

“Projekte” is the active Menu item and therefore with a blue bg.

Thank you,

Hello Michael,

Please edit your header and in the navigation collapse element settings, go to “Top Links” and add a background base and interaction colors. The interaction color will also be used for the active menu.

Best Regards.

Hello @ruenel:

Jesus! I didn’t see this :)))
Thank you!

You’re welcome, @mickna.

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