Pro Bottom Separator Type Showing a Border

Hi there, I’m using X Pro (latest version) on this site: and sometimes it’s showing a black border line at the bottom of the section using the Bottom Separator Type “Angled Out” See screenshot from Firefox:

When I inspect the line element it says something about “box-sizing: border-box;” but I don’t know what this means or how to fix it. I don’t design sites with code, just using CSS you give me and the normal Cornerstone/Pro tools.

Can you please tell me how to eliminate this line permanently in all screen sizes (sometimes it only shows on certain screen sizes).

I’ll send credentials separately. Using latest version of everything…


One more thing related to this… the Headings are getting clipped off on smaller screen sizes (see screenshot of “how can we help”:

When I add padding, it’s way too much padding on larger screens. How can I make the padding equal regardless of screen size?


Hi there,

You can always use HIDE BASED ON SCREEN WIDTH option to hide in from the desktop but visible in mobile.

About the line, I’m not getting that on both Windows and Mac Firefox/Chrome browser, or maybe you already fixed it? What’s your device width where this line is appearing? Based on your screenshot, it’s 1666px but I tried that too and it’s okay. Excpect with Mac since I’m only limited to 1360px.


Hi there! I am getting the same issue. top separator is showing a thin line… any solutions for this so far? anybody with the same issue? (btw - my site is on a local network - at this point I am unable to send you the log in credentials. every thing is up to date - X Pro)


in Safari - i am getting the problem - no matter what type of separator is used (Angle or curve)
in chrome - the problem occurs only if the curved separator is used. angle is fine for me in chrome.

another edit (sorry - long post are a mess… I know)

its essential grid. when I disable essential grid - located in the section above the section with the top separator - the problem is gone. it seems, essential grid’s loading and scaling process is causing the error. (after “essential grid” has load all the posts - the posts will be inserted and the parent container is re-scaled - after this, the top separator isn’t fitting its parent div or section…) any ideas how to fix this? thanks :slight_smile:

Hello There,

Thanks for updating in! You mentioned that you are using the updated version. Which version? Is it X or Pro theme. Please be advised that X Pro has been renamed to Pro. Please see this changelog:

You may need to update it using Pro theme 1.2.7. Please let us know how it goes.

Hey there! Sorry for the Confusion. I am using Pro 1.2.7.
I found a solution by adding a separat div for essential grid before the div with the separator :slight_smile:
Beside that - I wasn’t able to recreate the error on an new install of WP with Pro 1.2.7 without any third party plugins. So it seems I have a plugin conflict here.
So… Problem solved for me :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! Awesome Product&Support

Glad you’ve sorted it out. :slight_smile: