Pro and WPML : solution proposals

Heading into september now. Is it that complicated? Exemplary? Disappointing to say the least. After the non-sensical discussion I had about resizing for mobile (something which most free themes even are able to deal with properly) and the promise there to wait for a next release also I am now caught up in this WPML issue. Amazing. I’ll start copy and pasting it into another template. Thanks for wasting our time.

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Hi there,

Yes, it’s a bit complicated. Even if we love to provide you some workaround, we can’t since it’s not that simple. There is no reason to keep it to ourselves :slight_smile:

Thanks for understanding.

Any news yet? Thanks. Another week waiting has passed now. Is there a way to easily export all designs etc from Pro? You’ll probably say no, but I have to move on.

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Hi There,

We have no news unfortunely.

If you decide to use X instead your pages will be still editable with Cornerstone.

If you use Cornerstone standalone with another theme, it will work as well.

Hope it clarifies

Hahahaha, yes, that’s what we call cross-selling. No ability to downgrade to X anymore or even try it. There is a technical issue; we’d love to help you, please transfer $59? Enuff said, afaiac.

Hi there,

Your question is about exporting it which there is no need for the content builder and it will work with cornerstone whenever you like to switch theme, you can still download your X theme and cornerstone through Themeforest. Plus, you didn’t mention about the downgrade :slight_smile:

If you like, I can forward your request so we can downgrade your license.


I have the exact same problem with Cornerstone, X theme and Polylang…
Should I assume that once this is corrected for Pro, it will also for X?

Hi there,

Yes, the bug fixes should be available for Pro, X, and Cornerstone once available.

Please stay tuned for the updates.


Personally I’ve managed to work around header/footer translation issues using a bit of CSS:

Glad it’s okay on your end and thanks for sharing! :wink:

I’d be more happy with a timeline.So what are the expectations on that? thanks

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WPML new version has been released

Any updates on the bug fixing? will it be fixed in the upcoming PRO update? :frowning:

Hi there,

There is a new article regarding the state of the Pro which you can read here:

We mentioned that we are working on the WPML issue and a fix will be available around the middle of the month.

Thank you.


Any update?
We need to have the translation with WPML working.

What are the first impressions on the beta?


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Hi there,

I checked the beta and it’s not fully compatible yet, our developers are still on it. For the meantime, you can always access your builders directly through URL. Example, /de/x/#/headers, where /de/ is German language. It will then list the pages for German translation where you can assign the header. Same goes for content and footer builders.

That is as long as your language URL format is /en/ instead of `/?lang=en’.

Please stay tuned for the updates.


Now it is becoming very (too) long!
Any expected release date yet?

Hi there,

There is no exact date for ETA, I’ll let you know if I got something :wink:


This is just not acceptable.
We are not talking about an open source theme.
We are customers, we have paid for it!
Telling me “I’ll let you know” is not an answer…
We are professionals, we need an ETA.
Is it a questions of days, weeks, months???

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Hi there,

We’re not told about the ETA and I’m not really sure. But I’m pretty sure that our developers are already working on this issue because this is one of the big parts of the upcoming updates. I only said “I’ll let you know” IF I personally get some news about it. Then I shouldn’t do that, let’s wait for official announcement as I’m eager to see and test it too :slight_smile:

Thanks for understanding.

Hi, I agree with @tixeo I demand an ETA :frowning: