Pro 6.0: Error after updating


I just updated the latest version of a staging website to Pro 6.0, and an error is visible on the front end:

Warning</b> : Dynamic Content return value not scalar : NULL in **/home/customer/www/** on line **252**

This is the page:

This is the same page with Pro 5:

Log-in credentials in the secure note.

Thank you!

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Hey @Misho,

Thanks for reporting. It would be great if you could keep your staging site online maybe our development team could get in once they view this case.

I believe that in the live site, you already know that warning and error messages should be disabled like the example WP debug setup.

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Just to add to this, I also had this issue come up when I upgraded from RC1 to the official V6. Luckily I had a backup of the site and reverting back fixed it.

Thank you for your feedback. I have posted this in our issue tracker so itā€™s now in queue to be investigated.

Hi! just to note that WP_DEBUG was already set to false and also disabling displaying errors is not effective on the website.

Thank you!

Edit: Updating to 6.0.1 seems to have the issue fixed.

Perhaps I can continue in this tread. Here is an archive that lost its template after updating:

This is the original page:

Credentials are still the same.

Thank you!

Hey @Misho,

I have replicated the issue in my test site so Iā€™ll post this in our issue tracker to be investigated by our development team. We are not sure yet if WooCommerce has a role in this issue.

Thanks for reporting.

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This issue will be fixed in 6.0.2 Misho. Product Taxonomy archives were being labeled as singles internally.

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Amazing, thanks!

Working now as expected!

ā€¦but updating another site to 6.0.2 triggered the same error. Iā€™m sharing this one in the secure note.

Thanks for the update, @Misho. Iā€™ll update my report that the issue is still happening.

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@Misho are you referring to the first Warning about dynamic content not being scalar? Is there an element that is broken or is it just the warning that you are reporting?

This is a new warning I created to try and identify bad dynamic content pass throughs (Parts of the app were trying to convert a WP_Post to a string even though itā€™s a class). For the most part it can be ignored unless something is broken.

Thanks a bunch happy new year!

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Hi @charlie!

Happy new year!

Sorry for not being clear. I am referring to the broken layout.

But this is strange. Today I re-cheked the layout and it is now not broken. I did clear the cache immediately after making the update to 6.0.2, but it seems that layouts stay broken for a while.

When I say ā€œBroken Layoutā€, I mean that a default one with the sidebar is being loaded, instead of the one assigned to the Post type or taxonomy.


Okay great to hear. Did you ever save any document in between the time it was fixed and broken? Sounds similar to something else I read so I think that might help me figure out if we need to fix something.


No, I just updated the staging copy and left it as is. I just cleared the Supercasher cache, but I didnā€™t clear the browser cache or cookies at the time, if that helps.


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