Pro 1.2.2 - Empty preview window

I have one page with three sections with some content. When launching the Content Builder and selecting that page, the preview doesn’t show the sections. As if the page were empty. The sidebar is also empty and doesn’t show the sections. Going back and opening the page again in the builder sometimes fixes it.

It doesn’t happen all the time so you might have to try it several times.

URL and login info added in a secure note.


I have the exact same problem, reported yesterday, no news from support yet.

I also have this issue.

Still happening with Pro 1.2.3.

Hi there,

I accessed your website and could find the sections you are talking about:

Please kindly clear your browser cache or check the website with another browser.

Thank you.

Hey @christopher.amirian,

Thanks for taking a look.

It doesn’t happen all the time. You have to try it several times. Try clicking the edit button in the left sidebar when choosing a page to edit without first clicking on the page so that the page isn’t first loaded in the preview window. This seems to trigger this bug more often.

I’ve cleared my browser cache and there’s no other type of caching enabled.


I tried several times but could not replicate the issue.

Can you try adding the code below in your wp-config.php file located at the root directory of your site.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

You can add it before this line

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

Hope that helps