Post pagination not working for archives

Here’s a visual explanation:

I have a layout (2 actually) that shows posts, like an archive, for category tags. They did not show all posts. One category has over 500+ posts.
There was no pagination, so I added an element to do the job. The pagination shows only the same posts… it doesn’t show all the posts.
Link to an archive with broken pagination:

Name of the layout in question:
obs before 5/31/22

Thanks in advance,

Hi Rob,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked the layoutand found that you are using the Looper Provider in the Post element which is showing the data. But the Pagination element work as per the Archive layout default Looper. The reason behind the issue is the looper of Post element and post pagination elements are not connected. I would like to request you go through the following thread on a similar topic.

Hope it helps.

Thanks! Yes, the archive works better. But how do I get the full post to show, not just the excerpt?
To look more like this:

Hi Rob,

Glad that it helps. To get the full content, you can use the {{dc:post:the_content}} dynamic tag instead of {{dc:post:excerpt}}.


That did it, thank you. This option was not available in the dynamic tags shown in the WYSIWYG editor pane.

Sorry to add a new topic to this thread… but are there search tools I can use in these archives?


Hello Rob,

To search for the dynamic content code, you need to click on the search box and then you can search for the dynamic content code as per your design.

Sample-Page-Page-Builder-X (3)

Hope it helps

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