I’m using the Post (Tiles) element to display recent posts on a page.
The posts have featured images set, but those images do not appear in the tile element.
I’ve played around with all of the settings in the inspector for both the Figure and the Image, but I can’t make them show up. If I change the z-index on the Figure from -1 to 0 or greater, the image is displayed but the text is not. When I inspect the source on the live page, I can see that the image is being included in the source code, it’s just not visible.
I don’t need to have the fancy transitions, and I would rather have the image visible all the time instead of fading in when hovered over (e.g., when I use the Post (Magazine) element, it works and the image fades in on hover).
So I’m not sure if this is an issue with the overlaying Figure, the transition, or something else.
The page is https://buildinghopeforfamilies.ca and I will include admin access in a secure note.