Pop up Newsletter


I would like to know how could I create a pop-up that appears when someone goes to my website. After somebody has spent there 10 seconds.

And, I would like to know how I could design it similar to the one I show you below:

Best regards,

Hello Marina,

Thanks for writing in!

You will need to install a 3rd party plugin, ConvertPlus. You can get it by going to X/Pro > Validation > Extensions. To know more about this plugin, please check this out:

And also, you might need to use MailChimp for the subscription lists.

Hope this helps.

Hi Runel,

Thank you for that. I have installed it following your indications.
But I have some more questions on relation with it:

  1. Could you please explain to me how to delete the sentence Powered by BrainstormForce, that appears in the bottom?

  1. I want that it pop-ups instead of slide up, could you tell me how to do it?

  2. How can make appear a message saying thank you in the same form instead of opening it in a pop-up?

  3. I think at the moment the pop-up is only appearing to new users but I would like that it appears to everybody new or not, how could I change this?

I leave you the link of my website here: https://inawomansbody.com/

Best regards,

Hello Marina,

Thanks for updating in!

1.) You can disable the “Become A Convert Plus Affiliate” in the settings.

2.) The slide in can be change in the Modal Animation Effect in the settings.

3.) The option for the thank message after form submission is also in the settings.

4.) You can also select the target visitors in the settings as well.

Hope this helps.

Hi Runel,

Thank you for the fast answer!

I have still few problems:

  1. I cannot find what exactly to click so it appears to new and past users. I have already checked target visitors but I cannot find it.

  2. The problem that I have with the Thank you message it’s that at the moment it open a new window instead of in the same window. I saw you below an example of what I would like.

  1. I am trying to find an effect that makes the page where it appears the pop up a bit more grey. So the pop up catch so that the pop up attracts more attention. Would you know how can I do it?

  2. How can I select that it appears on in the Home page? Or is already set up like that by default?

  3. How could I make that the photo I have set in my pop appears in left side without the actual margins?

Best regards,

Hey Marina,

So we could accurately answer your ConvertPlus setup questions, please give us WordPress Login details in a Secure Note so we could replicate your current setup and advise of the settings you should use.


Hi Christian,

Thank you for that.

Could you also confirm me if the ConvertPlus is synchronised with my Mailchimp account? So I can be sure that however enter their email there would be added to my newsletter list.


Hello Marina,

I have edited your form. Please check it now.

To be familiar ConvertPlus and how to use it, please check this out:

Hi Runel,

It still doesn’t appear in the left the full image only. There is margin on the bottom, how could I delete it?
I think actually the problem is that for some reason I cannot make this image the background on the left side, which is exactly what I want.

Best regards,

Hey Marina,

It looks like you changed that login credentials. I could no longer login to check the setup of your modal. I’d recommend that you don’t change credentials if you still have questions.

There’s no option to remove the margin though and it is not possible to make the image as the background of the left column. What I’d recommend is, you either match the aspect ratio of the image to the column. Or, don’t use the Modal Image and instead use the Background Styling option. You will need to edit your image in Photoshop or something similar to closely match that aspect ratio of the whole modal.

Hope that helps.


That’s is what I was trying to explain to you. It doesn’t allow me to use the image as background image source, which is the way to make the image as the background of the left column.

How it cannot be possible if there are many other websites having it? there have to be a way.

Hello Marina,

Do you want to display something like this?

If that is the case, you will need to add this custom css in the modal popup custom css settings:

.cp-jugaad .cp-image-container,
.cp-jugaad .cp-row.cp-table .cp-content-section, 
.cp-jugaad .cp-row.cp-table .cp-form-section {
    padding: 0 !important;

We would love to know if this has worked for you. Thank you.

Hi Runel,

Thank you so much for your help! It worked, that’s exactly what I wanted.

Best regards,

You’re welcome, Marina. And, glad to hear that the code given worked.

I’d like for you to remember though that you should not add more text in the right column. Otherwise, it would look like this. That’s still solvable by enlarging the image with CSS and shrinking the right column but that again would require another set of CSS.

This is why I recommended that you use the Modal’s Background and take into account the modal’s aspect ratio. I was thinking of a long term solution and taking into account future content edits.


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