Plugin conflict: Rev slider will not function when Essential Grid is enabled

Plugin conflict between essential grid and revolution slider…i’ve read similar threads. Tried ‘no conflict mode’ in Rev Slider it does NOT solve the problem of the slider not showing up. (specifically background images do not display)

My website relies on both Rev slider & essential grid, and i really don’t want to have to rebuild it. is the site.


Hey Marlene,

I checked your home page and images are being displayed. I might be missing something though so would you mind posting a screenshot of the image that’s supposed to display?

In the console, there’s an image that’s being blocked by CORS policy. Please contact your web host to fix that as it’s server related.

Please also give us your site’s WordPress Login URL, Admin Username and Password in a Secure Note so we could check your setup in case the missing image issue persists.


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