Personify:Mogul RSS Feed display

I have a standard template which was displaying 3 columns per podcast, but not it is a single column. I didn’t do anything other than add a couple podcasts. I purged the caches but it is still not displaying correcting (2 colum and entire feature photo (not cropped).

This has happened many times, but has been transient until now.

In Cornerstone

it looks correct

Hello @mlbass,

Thanks for writing in! We cannot check the layout and site settings yet because the given User credentials does not work for us. Please double-check it so we can log in.


updated login

The login info is still incorrect. Please check it carefully or provide another admin account.

Reset again. This time I tested it.

Thank you for the info.

We edited the Category Archive layout, but it looks different from the screenshot. Can you provide a direct link to the archive layout? We can’t find the three-column blog, and it shows podcasts instead.

Please check this screenshot:

Warm regards.

Nevermind. Looks like we have to set the Preview to Post Type > Episode. This is what we see. (secure note)

We have found an invalid css in the Custom Code > Global CSS file and corrected it:

.entry-thumb img {
    max-width: 250px !important;
    min-width: 0px; !important;
  	margin-bottom: -40px;

Please make sure to purge the cache before testing.

First I go to the Podcast page : I do NOT have a blog on this site currently. There are zero “Posts”. Only podcasts using the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin.

Once I’m on the podcast page, I click on “edit in layout in cornerstone” See the screenshot early in this chat - that’s what I see in Cornerstone. I now get a page not found for, so maybe you’re working on it, but it was there 5 minutes ago. I checked the RSS Feed and now it too is 404! What did you do?

The 3 column was the default. I didn’t do anything to that. Please restore the podcast page and the RSS Feed

All the feeds are down: RSS Error: is invalid XML, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: Undeclared entity error at line 19, column 116

Thank you for the update.

The podcast page now redirects to a 404 error. Did you remove the page? Please create a new page and assign the Category Archive layout to it again.

We didn’t make any changes other than correcting the invalid css code mentioned above, which seems to have fixed the issue with the columns.

Let us know if you need more info.

Best regards.

I restored the website from backup (couple days ago) so now its working, but this has the old CSS. I do not see what is invalid about this.

Blog Post Feature Image */
.entry-thumb {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important;
.entry-thumb img {
max-width: 250px !important;
min-width: 0px; !important;
margin-bottom: -40px;
.entry-featured {

How do I assign the Category Layout to a page? If I go here and bring them up in cornerstone, there’s nothing that lets me customize the parameters - like where it gets its feed.

It seems like this happens with the personify Posts component but I don’t see how to control the feed

Thank you for the update.

This is the invalid css property – semicolon before !important:

min-width: 0px; !important;

Corrected css:

.entry-thumb img {
    max-width: 250px !important;
    min-width: 0px !important;
    margin-bottom: -40px;

Looks like the login info is no longer valid. Please check it again so that we can access the site.

Warm regards.

I think I have it working now. To complete the page, I’m trying to adjust Personify: Post Pagination. It seems to be set to 13 posts/page. I need that changed to 12 so rows are filled (an even number) I can’t find that in the parameters or settings. Where do I adjust this?

One other thing I’m trying to implement is Personify: Posts (cards) on the home page to replace Personify: Media Slider so I don’t have to load new podcasts manually. When I add Personify: Posts (cards) to a page, nothing shows up when I view that page.

Hey @mlbass,

To display 12 items, go to Settings > Reading and set the “Blog pages show at most” to 12.

Please be advised that the “Personify: Posts (cards)” element is designed to display the recent blog post items. If you want to use this layout and display other custom post type, you will have to edit the “#Blog” component, duplicate the “Personify: Posts (cards)” into a new element and modify the Looper Provider to be able to display the podcast custom post types.

Hope this makes sense.

Makes total sense. Thanks. Can you give me a few screen shots on how to access it using the existing category archive? That way I can just copy/paste the looper code from that into the Personify: Posts (cards) for the home page.

Thank you for the update.

We edited the #Blog component, duplicated the Result Feed section, and adjusted the Looper Provider of the Personify: Podcasts (Result Feed) to Query Builder, selecting “Episode” as the post type. Then, we exported the component and added it to the Category Archive Layout. You’ll now see both the Body and Podcasts sections. We’ll let you decide which one to use.

Let us know if you need more info.

Best regards.

I didn’t know, but saw a duplicate feed and deleted what you added. Sorry, but the reason is that it looked the same as what is already on the Podcast Page (Category-Archive). I wanted to use the Personify: Posts (Cards) component - because that seems to be the same as the Personify: Media Slider I have on the the home page. I’m assuming it will be straight forward to add elements like Call to Action and Link that are in the Media Slider cards

We duplicated the Personify: Posts (Cards), renamed it Personify: Podcasts (Cards), and adjusted the Looper Provider to Query Builder. You can check this in the #Blog module and it is also available in the Elements Library. If you need to make any changes to it or add new elements, you’ll need to edit it in the #Blog module. For the Media Slider, you have to go to the #Composed component.

Let us know if you need anything else.

Sorry. I don’t see Personify: Podcasts (Cards). This is on

Hey @mlbass,

You can load the #Blog component in the Cornerstone builder to find what you are looking for:

Hope this helps.