Pagination skips one post

I am using the template Postmodern Pixel Archive for Archive Listing. I have 4 articles (let’s call them A, B, C and D). I set the ‘Blog pages show at most’ as 2 (under WordPress Settings).

On page one, it shows A & B. But on page 2, it shows D only. It skips C.

What am I missing or doing wrong?

Hi @sgchan,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked the layout and found that the Hero Post is using the Looper Consumer which shows the first post only in the first pagination. But it has a blank condition which does not allow to show the Hero post on the next page but the looper worked.

I went ahead and added a DIV element and moved the Hero inside it, and added the condition {{dc:url:segment index=“3”}} is lesser than 2 which means it only works for the page 1. The {{dc:url:segment index=“3”}} will return 2 for the 2nd page and 3 or 4 for respective paginations, but will return 1 or blank for the first pagination and will work.

Please remember that it was not working because the Condition and the Looper Consumer were added to the same element and as looper consumer worked it was not showing the post before.


@tristup - Thank you so much! I’ve always found you to be extremely helpful.

Hi @sgchan,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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