Hello @INcroatia,
Thanks for writing to us.
I checked your website it seems that there are some plugin conflict and cache issue because of plugin conflict there is some JS console error at your site.
Let’s talk about testimonial slider. I copy your page and tested. It seems that there is some issue in your Group Pricing Section. If you delete this section then your Testimonial slider would work without login as well. It not working because of Gravity form shortcode since there is plugin conflict between Gravity form and Testimonials slider plugin. I would suggest you please consult the plugin author to fix their plugin issue.
Please note that we don’t provide third-party plugin support It is out of the support scope.
I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues:
- Testing for Plugin Conflict
- Child Theme Issue
- CSS/JS Customization
- Disabling Cache
Section Screenshot
After Gravity form shortcode removed Screenshot
Thanks for understanding