Page is no longer displayed correctly after changing a link

Hello, i only changed one link on my page, now it is not displayed correctly. In Cornerstone the page looks completely ok, but not in the browser, see (my test domain). I’m a bit helpless at the moment how this could happen.

Hi @PeterNicole,
Thanks for reaching out.

The given URL has loaded properly in the browser, but it redirected to an error i.e “Error establishing a database connection”, is that what you are trying to point out.
If so, please let us know your site credentials in the secure note with the following details,

– WordPress Site URL & Admin URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.

If that is not the case, and you are trying to point out something different, please provide a few more information like a screenshot with a marked issue or any video, which helps to recognize the issue.

Hello, here is a screenshot of the faulty page. It concerns only the german page, on the other language pages I did not change any links yet, these are still ok. if you switch between german and english you can see the difference. The "{%%{base64content bla bla message also came after I changed the link. It didn’t help to undo the change either, the error remains. Here are the access data:

Hi @PeterNicole,

This type of issue mainly occurs due to the Broken HTML, and it has been found that you have added custom content with the HTML tags. You mentioned in your first post that, you have changed an “anchor” tag or “link”, I would suggest you check whether any HTML structure has been broken due to that change.
I have also tested by hiding the section marked in the screenshot, will fix the issue.

I would suggest you check by deleting the section one by one till the issue is fixed, and the last one you have deleted before the fix is the actual issue.

If you still getting the issue, please copy your live site to a staging server and add the above code, so we could troubleshoot freely without breaking your live site.
And give us access in the secure note including:

– WordPress Site URL & Admin URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.

NOTE: If the above-mentioned site is your staging server, please confirm for us to start the experiment.


Hello, thank you very much for your hint. I use the page “pm-advertising agency” as staging-server when I work from the office. I will check the HTML code and get back to you.

Sincere greetings


Thanks for checking your HTML code, Peter.

Hi Christian, I commented out the HTML code one by one and I deleted the sections one by one. But all this did not help. I don’t know what I can do now, except rebuild the page and avoid the old classic elements. This procedure helped me before with a similar error. Or do you know another possibility? You have the access data for the site (I have backups from the site).

Sincere greetings


Hi Peter,

Section 4 is where the erroneous code exists, once removed temporarily it fixed the issue in front-end.


Hi, I removed Section 4, it really doesn’t belong there. Nevertheless the presentation of the page is faulty. Strangely enough, the page looks error-free in Cornerstone. But in the browser you can see the faulty display, see screenshot. If you don’t have any more ideas, I will rebuild the page, I don’t know what to do. Deleting further sections did not help me either. Best regards from Peter and thanks for your help!

Translated with (free version)

Hey @PeterNicole,

If the page is ok in Cornerstone but broken on the live page, that means there is broken HTML somewhere in the page. Please save your German page as a template using the Template Manager then load the template in a test page. In the test page, remove sections 1 by 1 while checking if the issue persists viewing the live page in a new tab.

You also need to find all broken HTML in your site. For example, you have one in the footer.

I’d just recommend that you avoid all custom codes to avoid problems like this.


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