Page height increasing when opening HTML editor

I’ve been fighting a weird and, honestly, low-priority bug for the last several releases. I haven’t seen it on the forums, but it’s present on both my work computer (which uses Chrome) and home computer (which uses Firefox), and across multiple installations.

Randomly, when editing a page, opening the HTML editor on any element that uses it will cause the container for the entire page preview to expand vertically by about 25px, and you can no longer scroll down to that section (because the bottom of the page is now outside of the viewport). Closing and re-opening the HTML editor will cause it to expand by another ~25px, meaning that editing a page for any length of time will cause it to subtly grow longer until all that you can “reach” is the top 1/3 of the page or so. The rich text and raw editors do not seem to be impacted, although switching between those and the HTML editor without closing the content editor also causes the page to expand.

I haven’t been able to figure out what triggers it–it seems to happen randomly regardless of what elements, configurations, loopers, or settings I have in place, but it does seem to affect most Pro installations. Saving my work and refreshing the page corrects the page preview height and temporarily fixes the bug.

Hey Andy,

Thanks for writing in! I wasn’t able to replicate the issue. Check out my Youtube video:

I would recommend that you send us a video screencast so that we can understand what you are experiencing.


Hello Ruenel,

Thanks for letting me know. Yup, that’s pretty much the view that I’m in, and things work normally until they don’t. I haven’t encountered it since, but I’ll make a recording when I do (or if I get any more info, like what might trigger it).

Thank you!

Hey Andy,

That’s great and let us know how it goes.

Thank you.


I was able to capture a video of this happening. Again, I’m not clear what triggered it, but it’s happening on all three open documents (i.e., opening an HTML element on one document pushed the page height down by the same amount for all three documents). I was able to correct it by refreshing the page.

Here’s that video:

Hello Andy,

Please make sure to create the proper element structure. You will need to use at least one of these:

      Column 1
          Text element
      Column 2
          Button element

      Cell 1
          Text element
      Cell 2
          Button element

          Text element

Adding any Text, Button, or other element outside the Section element might create issues sooner or later. It is better to wrap your elements with a containment like the Row, div, Grid, etc.

Best Regards.

That’s good to know; thank you. However, in this video, the effect had already started, and I just added a text element to show the issue instead of digging through my outline to find an element with an HTML input. I’ll keep your comment in mind, but in the meantime, this issue does arise on properly-formatted pages as well.