Padding on Element "The Content"

Hi team

I have built a few sites with a blog element where I’m pulling in the posts into a single layout via the element “The Content”. Since it has no controls, there is no way to style it. But I have noticed that this element has a standard padding on both sides which is considerable, depending on the design of the site.

For reference: The line, on which left aligned content should start, is a lot closer to the A.

It also does not matter what kind of content was put into the blog post. It affects text, images and all other elements the same way.

How can I get rid of this padding inside the element and make the content start on the line of the border box?

Thank you so much!

Hey Laura,

I’ve replicated the issue. The padding is coming from the Icon Stack’s style. I believe the padding should not apply to the Content element so that it can freely be styled.

I’ll report this to our dev team but for now, you can add the following code to your Global CSS.

#cs-content .x-the-content {
    padding: 0;

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