Hi @zerotoone.de,
That is not accurate, screenshot programs are not for measuring.
This is very confusing to us because on our end all your buttons in the body and footer have the same size at 11.9px
(that is the calculated value of 0.85em), take a look on the following screenshots.
Body buttons.
Footer button
So you set all your button text size to 0.85em
, and that is calculated as 11.9px
base from the 14px
from the parent div. (14 x 0.85 = 11.9)
Even the letter-spacing
and line-height
and the padding
are all the same, obviously, the footer button is shorter because it has a shorter label (Anmelden) than the rest. So maybe its not the button text size is your issue? Please clarify.
Regarding the Footer content text, I see that you change some of the Bar’s base font size
I advise that you set all your Sections and Bar’s base font size back to default 1em
and adjust only the font-size option on the text itself.
Like Christian said above em
unit is not a straight forward it will account the font-size of its parent div and the font-sizes that you set via CSS, so it’s a bit complex than the px
CSS units for font-size: px | em | rem