Omit posts by category

Please refer to attached images.

Image one below shows a page where the row is Looper Provider set to show Recent Posts. The column is Looper Consumer and is set to limit it to 6 posts. The post at upper left (boxed in red) has a category called “Press” assigned to it. I need to omit any posts from the page with the category Press and show all other posts.

Image two below shows the condition I set to the Looper consumer to eliminate showing posts with the category Press.

Archive Layout

Image three shows the results where the bottom row is now only showing two columns and they are distorting in the width to fill the space. There are thousands of posts in the website, so when the one categorized as “Press” is omitted, the next most recent post should fill in, no?

How can I fix this?

Hello @mcaravaglia,

Thanks for writing in!

You have to use the Looper Provider Query Builder and specify to exclude the Press category.

Please remove your conditions as well.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hello. I’m sorry for the delayed response; I have been traveling. This is an Archive layout, not a page. It was my understanding with Archive layouts you are not supposed to use Looper Provider and should only use Looper Consumer. Are you saying this is not accurate and I should set this up using Looper Provider?

Hello @mcaravaglia,

If this is an archive page, normally, it will only display post items related to a category {name} archive page. If this is a taxonomy archive, it will still display post items that are related to the taxonomy {name} archive page. If you want a particular category excluded from this taxonomy archive page, you will need to use custom PHP coding to get rid of those items. Perhaps, this article can help you:

If you can give us the example URL of your archive page and mention which category you want to exclude from that archive page, that would really help us find an easier way to resolve your issue.

Best Regards.

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