[object Object] in component parameters for choose field

I’ve got some parameters I’m using to switch between two different sets of values for a component I’ve created, but for some reason whenever I enter into the component, my UI controls look like this (notice the “Category Type” field):

When I click on the back arrow, the control appears as it’s supposed to (and works properly, too):

Here is my parameters JSON:

    "cat" : {
      "label": "Category Type",
      "type": "choose",
      "options": [
          "value": {
            "color": "#a6380a",
            "title": "Foundations for Victory"
          "label": "Foundations"
          "value": {
            "color": "#f26321",
            "title": "Areas of Restoration"
          "label": "Restoration"
    "title" : {
      "type" : "text",
      "label" : "Page Title",
      "initial" : "{{dc:post:title}}"
    "bg" : {
      "type" : "image",
      "label" : "Background Image",
      "initial" : "3952:full"

Is this a bug or are my parameters somehow messed up?

Hey @bobbybosler,

Please try enabling and disabling the Breakout Mode. If you’re not aware of it, please check this video tutorial https://youtu.be/ZWEiV7brtJk

Enabling and disabling Breakout Mode doesn’t change anything.

Here’s a quick screencast of what’s happening exactly. When I click on a different section and click back onto the component, it resets to [object Object] as well.

I thought I had seen in another post on the forum that this was a bug, but I wasn’t sure if this fit into the same situation as that one.

I can confirm this behaviour since several release versions. I have several Pro installations with the same effect. I can also confirm, that I have read somewhere in the forum that this is considered as a bug. Unfortunately I do not remember which post.


Thanks for chiming in @raye.

@bobbybosler, I’ll post this in our issue tracker so this will be queued to be checked by our development team.

Please stay tuned.


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