Navigation Inline Sub-Items Background Color Overlaps Border


I have come up with Navigation Inline behaviour where, if the Dropdown has a border radius and a background colour for hover (or not hover), the background colour always displays over the border (see screenshot).

In my example, the border width is 3px and the border radius is 10px and the sub-items background colour is set for hover only.

Is this a bug, or something which can be controlled, so the hover colour is hidden behind the border?



Hello Christopher,

Thanks for writing to us.

It is not possible to guide you with only screenshots I would suggest you please share the exact page URL so that we can check it on our end and guide you properly.


Thanks. See secure note

Hello Christopher,

I checked your settings it seems that you have set the background color of the dropdown and border radius. I checked your settings further and I saw that you have set the background color of the sub-menu items link(sub links) and also set the hover color of it. Please note you have not enabled the border radius for the sublinks, I would suggest you go to the Navigation inline element —>sublinks —>enable the border-radius and recheck it.

Hope it helps

Thank you.

You are most welcome, Christopher.

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