Navigation Collapsed, Sub Menu Trigger Indicator Issue

As requested, I am creating a new thread because of the issue with the navigation collapsed menus with the sub menu trigger “Indicator”.

Reference Thread:

Click on the burger menu that should open a mega menu with a navigation collapsed inside. Look at this animation:

screenshot_ 2023-12-05 um 15.26.13 (1)

Hey @Regnalf,

I have tested the issue on our local testing server with the latest version Pro 6.4.5 and we cannot replicate it. It only happens on your site. How did you update your theme? Did you do it manually? Can you please re-install the Pro theme?

Best Regards.

I usually do the theme update via the WordPress update. However, I have now deleted the folder and completely re-uploaded “pro”. I have also tried deactivating all plugins, with the same result.

But as @vks_group has already written, I’m probably not the only one who has a problem.

Since this menu navigation is essential for the mobile area, I hope that a solution for the problem will be found.

Hi @Regnalf,

We will continue to investigate this issue.

Please bear with us.

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