Nav Bar & Burger Menu

Hi there, thanks for your continued support.

See attached for reference, I’m trying to achieve a Burger Menu in the top left corner which will be a sticky. At the moment I’m baffled on how to achieve this since this is the first time attempted this menu.

Additional to this, this can wait but see expanded overlay for what I’m trying to achieve for the design. Is this possible?

Main Page

Overlay / Burger Menu Expanded.

Thanks again for your help



Exactly achieving that would require custom development. The sticky mobile nav button is achievable with Superfly (a menu plugin bundled in X) out of the box. It could not achieve the exact effect in your second screenshot though. Either way, this would require custom coding so it is best you hire a third party developer for this.


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Cheers for your quick reply pal,

I’ll see what I can do with Superfly.


Let us know how it goes.


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