Multiple creates error in checkout


Have been trying to get this to work and have been pulling my hair out. My developer thinks it’s the theme and I hope he is wrong because I love X.

When I go to update item quantity on my cart page and go through the checkout, I get a message saying

When I checkout with a single item this doesn’t happen and I can checkout fine. Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing that won’t let me check out with multiple products? At first I thought this was from updating the cart but now I believe that even when you have multiple items in the cart from the beginning, the error seems to occur.

I’ve deactivated all plugins and have been using only what’s inherit to the theme.

My site is

Thank you for your help on this


Hi Garrett,

I have checked your website and added multiple products into the cart but didn’t find the issue on the checkout page. If that is not already resolved, please let us know the exact steps to replicate the issue. I would also request you please provide any video that helps us to recognize the problem.


Ok here is the video I originally sent my developer

Thank you

Hi Garrett,

Thanks for the video, and now I am able to replicate the issue you described. There might be some different reasons behind your issue, I would like to suggest troubleshooting the following common issue to help us to recognize the reason.

1.Theme Related Issue
2.Plugin Conflict
3.Theme Update related issue
4.CSS/JS Customization
5.Disabling Cache
6.Disabling CDN

If you discover that an issue is coming from a custom code or 3rd party plugin, kindly consult with a developer or contact the plugin author. Please note that we do not provide support for custom codes and 3rd party plugins.
If none of the above helps and the issue persists, please copy your live site to a staging server so we could troubleshoot freely without breaking your live site.
And give us access in the secure note including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Thank you @tristup,

I went through the checklist and nothing seems to solve the issue except switching to a different theme. When I switch to twenty twenty one theme for example, I can get through checkout fine even after adding additional items and updating cart page.

I have created a staging site through a plugin for you and will share those details in a secure note.

Thank you for helping me out with this


Hello Garrett,

When I checked your page, there is a JS error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':'

This is coming from a code inserted in the header custom scripts:

  "particles": {
    "number": {
      "value": 400,
      "density": {
        "enable": true,
        "value_area": 800
    "color": {
      "value": "#fff"
    "shape": {
      "type": "circle",
      "stroke": {
        "width": 0,
        "color": "#000000"
      "polygon": {
        "nb_sides": 5
      "image": {
        "src": "img/github.svg",
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100
    "opacity": {
      "value": 0.5,
      "random": true,
      "anim": {
        "enable": false,
        "speed": 1,
        "opacity_min": 0.1,
        "sync": false
    "size": {
      "value": 10,
      "random": true,
      "anim": {
        "enable": false,
        "speed": 40,
        "size_min": 0.1,
        "sync": false
    "line_linked": {
      "enable": false,
      "distance": 500,
      "color": "#ffffff",
      "opacity": 0.4,
      "width": 2
    "move": {
      "enable": true,
      "speed": 6,
      "direction": "top-right",
      "random": false,
      "straight": false,
      "out_mode": "out",
      "bounce": false,
      "attract": {
        "enable": false,
        "rotateX": 600,
        "rotateY": 1200
  "interactivity": {
    "detect_on": "canvas",
    "events": {
      "onhover": {
        "enable": false,
        "mode": "bubble"
      "onclick": {
        "enable": true,
        "mode": "repulse"
      "resize": true
    "modes": {
      "grab": {
        "distance": 400,
        "line_linked": {
          "opacity": 0.5
      "bubble": {
        "distance": 400,
        "size": 4,
        "duration": 0.3,
        "opacity": 1,
        "speed": 3
      "repulse": {
        "distance": 200,
        "duration": 0.4
      "push": {
        "particles_nb": 4
      "remove": {
        "particles_nb": 2
  "retina_detect": true

Kindly remove this code and test the page again.


Thank you @ruenel for your reply!

I have deleted the plugin causing the code and cleared my cdn cache and wordpress cache but code is still in page when I inspect element.

Is there a simple way to remove the code or do you think I should build a new header?

Thank you for your help


Hi Garrett,

The custom code that Ruenel is referring to is in the Header’s JS area.

Please open that and remove or comment out the codes that is in there.


Hello @friech

I removed the code in the header but the problem persists. When I inspect the element and open the console, these are the error codes that appear after trying to pay with more than one item in the cart.

So possibly it is coming from the paypal plugin?

Hi Garrett,

Thanks, but it seems we can not test this issue on staging, first your Paypal button is not configure with staging, second the staging always redirect to live e.g. if you visit that URL it will redirect to

On your live site, can you try to deactivate the WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin, and enable/test the native WooCommerce PayPal Standard instead.


Hello @friech

Would you be willing to test on my live site? I’m not sending traffic here yet and if I can’t get this to work I will probably go with another theme anyway so not a huge problem if it breaks.

The error goes away with paypal standard or if I switch x theme to another wordpress theme. Which is strange and leads me to believe there is some conflict between something running on the theme and the smart buttons themselves.

Just a diagnoses would be hugely helpful.

Thank you for your help on this.


Hey Garrett,

Thank you for doing the test. That saves time.

We’re interested to know why WooCommerce PayPal Payments is conflicting with X and if you like us to investigate, please update the staging credentials as well as provide us with live site access so we could compare and do some testing safely.


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