Modern Event Calendar View Detail opens directly to external event URL

Hi – not sure if you provide support on this but is there a way that I can have the VIEW DETAIL in the archive list of events to open the Event URL? (in an external blank tab)?


Hello @ywoolf,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you please go to the M.E. Calendar—>Shortcode —>Single Event Display Method—>Select New Window.

Hope it helps

Hi – thanks… but I want to bypass Single Event and go directly to the external event link… my client is an author and there are book launch events in different cities and each event organizer has it’s own page on their website… is this possible?

Hello @ywoolf,

If you use [MEC id="21"] shortcode, you will only rely on what is being displayed by the shortcode. If you use Loopers and display the events in a custom manner, you may be able to link the View Details button via the {{dc:post:meta key="mec_read_more"}} dynamic content.

Hope this makes sense.