Modal - Gravity Forms


I am using a Grid inside a Global Block to place it on Tabs element.
All cells have the same Modal, and inside the modal there´s a form (gravity forms).

I don´t know why, but the form only opens on the first cell, all the other modals open empty.

Can you help?

Hello @PanInternational,

Thanks for writing in! The given URL is not loading on our end. Please double-check so we can investigate the issue further.


Hi @ruenel,

Please try again.
The website was down for several hours.

Thank you

Hello @PanInternational,

The form has an ID. If you insert the form several times, there will be a duplicated ID on the page which will no longer be effective. Here’s what you need to do to make it work, you only need a content modal on the first cell. Make sure that you add a toggle hash:

In the next cells, you will only insert a button element and use the toggle hash #{your-hash} as the URL.
Screen Shot 2021-04-11 at 10.26.24 AM

When you click on the button, it will open the modal popup and display the form.

Hope this makes sense.

Hi @ruenel


Thank you

You are most welcome @PanInternational!

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