Mobile Menu Drop-Down: Can't Click Non Dropdown Menu Heading

On my Android phone I have this problem with my website at

When I click the three dots for the pop-up navigation menu, it comes up fine. Then I scroll down to “About” which is expandable with one drop-down menu item (Testimonials). I can click on Testimonials to go to that page fine, but on my Android, I cannot click on the “About” page itself anymore.

Can you help me fix this so that users can actually get to the “About” page on a mobile device?

Sidenote: When I view this via WordPress > “Customize Pro Theme Options” > Menus > Main Menu, then I get the opposite result: I click in “About” and it expands to show “Testimonials” for a split second before it does open to go to the “About” page… I don’t really care how it responds in this “Customize Pro Theme Options”. I care how it works on an actual phone. But just in case you try this via Wordpress, it works differently there.

Thank you!


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Hi Michael,

Thank you for writing in, please inspect the Navigation Collapsedelement and on the Sub Menu Trigger option select the Sub Indicator

Your Sub Indicator here is the tiny down-arrow (next to the text About) so you need to make that bigger so it can easily be clicked by the users.

The “About” menu now will be click and link to its respective page.

Have a nice day,


That resolves this one also. Man, Pro is so elaborate: So many moving parts!

Thanks so much. Great job again, Friech.


It’s our pleasure to help you.

Thank you.

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