Mobile Menu Close Button gets hijacked by link in footer?

View: Mobile View (Dev tools) + on physical mobile devices
Expected behaviour: the “X” icon from mobile menu (off-canvas or layered) to close the overlay/modal
Observed behaviour: a link from the footer is triggered when pressing that “x”

Please help!

Hello Jon,

Thanks for writing in! The issue has occurred because you have inserted a broken HTML code in one of the Text elements in your custom footer. You have added this:

<a class="ftr-txt-div-no-line" href=""><i  class="x-icon x-icon-linkedin-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf08c;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>&emsp;
<a class="ftr-txt-div-no-line" href=""><i  class="x-icon x-icon-facebook-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf082;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<span>Designed by <a class="ftr-txt-div" href=""><strong>Longitude°</strong</a> </span>

The correct code should be:

<a class="ftr-txt-div-no-line" href="">
	<i  class="x-icon x-icon-linkedin-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf08c;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a class="ftr-txt-div-no-line" href="">
	<i  class="x-icon x-icon-facebook-square" data-x-icon-b="&#xf082;" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span>Designed by 
	<a class="ftr-txt-div" href="">

We highly recommend that you always indent your HTML code to prevent any issues like broken or unclosed HTML tags.

Best Regards.

Omg, that’s so embarrassing!! I did check the tags, but that was literally the 3rd to last one missing the closing “>”

Thanks so much!! Very prompt, like always!!

It’s always great to be of assistance, Jon.

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