Mobile Footer Not Displaying on Phone Despite Setting Breakpoints

Using the Pro footer builder we created a mobile footer with 5 bars and set the breakpoints appropriately for each screen width (I don’t see a breakpoint control for the entire footer). We set the conditions for the footer as “Entire site”. None of the bars appear on a phone. The footer we created for the pc shows correctly with the opposite breakpoints set.

Hello @comstarsupport,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your site it seems that you have set both the footer bar as hidden on the small screens. I would suggest you enable one Footer bar for the small screen.


What I see is this for all bars:

Your images are from the Main Footer (for pc’s). We are having trouble with the Mobile Footer, which has proper breakpoints.

Hello @comstarsupport,

It looks like you have added a separate footer specifically for mobile devices. Please note that it’s not possible to assign multiple footer layouts to the same page or across the entire site simultaneously.

To address this, I recommend copying the mobile footer bars into your main footer layout. You can then use a breakpoint to hide these footer bars on large screens and display them only on small screens.

Hope it helps

That makes sense. One footer! Thanks!

You are most welcome @comstarsupport

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