Missing Page Title

Good morning!

I previously set up a custom page title for https://denverhighriseliving.com/condo-reports/ by creating a landmark header and adding it in a bar. That process is working on this page: https://denverhighriseliving.com/news/.

Unfortunately the custom page title is no longer visible on https://denverhighriseliving.com/condo-reports/. This happened after I edited the header to add a bar as we dropped the menu from one line to two.

Could you help me make the page title, “Condo Reports,” reappear?

Thank you!

Hi there,

You used the method mentioned in the article below to assign the headers:

Now I went to Appearance > Editor and selected the functions.php file and I see that you match the header with this ID:

But as a matter of fact, you do not have such an ID in your headers. Did you delete a header and added another one or copied the header then deleted the original one? That will cause the change to the ID and fail of the header assignment.

Please go to Pro > Headers and hover over the Edit button of the header which you want to have and see the lower left section of your browser to see the ID of the header:

809 for the case of the screenshot above.

Add that ID instead of 702 in the functions.php of your Child Theme.

Be aware that if you copy or delete the header you need to check the ID again and change it in the functions.php file.

Thank you.

Good morning,

I did copy a header, so it’s good to know I will need to track down the right ID. I was able to get the “Condo Reports” title to finally show on https://denverhighriseliving.com/condo-reports/.

Can you kindly show me how to use the following code to a page title to a category search results page and to a tag search results page (i.e. https://denverhighriseliving.com/condo-category/all-towers/ and https://denverhighriseliving.com/condo-tag/curtis-park/)?
add_filter(‘cs_match_header_assignment’, ‘custom_search_header’);
function custom_search_header($match) {
if (is_search()) {
$match = 1234; // the post ID for your header
return $match;

Can I use the header I already set up with the landmark code, or do I need to create a different header for each page I want a custom page title on? If you will provide me an example of each item, I should be able to run with it!

Thank you,

Hi J,
Actually, the header is loaded on both pages:

If you want to show custom titles there, then you can add this code to your functions.php file just before <?php endif;

<?php elseif ( is_product_category()  ) : ?>

      <header class="x-header-landmark x-container max width">
        <h1 class="h-landmark"><span><?php echo "Condo Category Archive" ; ?></span></h1>       

	<?php elseif ( is_product_tag()  ) : ?>

      <header class="x-header-landmark x-container max width">
        <h1 class="h-landmark"><span><?php echo "Condo Tag Archive" ; ?></span></h1>       

Of course change Condo Category Archive and Condo Tag Archive to whatever title you need.


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