Migrate DB – Migration failed


I get the following error message when using Migrate DB:

JSON Decoding Failure — Our AJAX request was expecting JSON but we received something else. Often this is caused by your theme and/or plugins spitting out PHP errors. If you can edit the theme or plugins causing the errors, you should be able to fix them up, but if not, you can set WP_DEBUG to false in wp-config.php to disable errors from showing up. (#144)

I have deactivated all my plugins and have done everything I can to make sure there are no conflicts – but it still happens. What can be causing this?

Hi @designbythink,

Thank you for writing in, that could be an issue in the database itself, please follow the article below.

JSON Decoding Failure in WordPress Migrate DB Pro

Hope it helps,

Hi, thanks for your reply. I have tried the fix in the article, but it doesn’t work. I’m also fairly certain there is nothing wrong with my database as it’s a brand new install and I haven’t made any changes to it.

So I’m wondering if there is another way that I can migrate the database without using Migrate DB? The problem here is that we are experiencing hosting issues, so I need to migrate this site somewhere else…only the hosting issue is probably what is making it impossible to use Migrate DB.

Hi @designbythink,

Kindly note that site migration is outside the scope of support and Migrate DB is a third party plugin.

Please contact migrate db support regarding this issue or you can try another plugin.

Migrate DB Support - https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-migrate-db/

You can try this Plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/


I know how to migrate a website, that is not the problem. But Cornserstone has some serious issues if the migration isn’t done through a plugin like Migrate DB. So I’m asking you what plugins can I use that will not cause Cornerstone to lose all my content.

Hi @designbythink,

It’s actually a wordpress thing, wordpress, plugins and cornerstone stores many options as “serialized data”, which contains both the string content of things and their length. If you do manual migration like modifying the URL in the database the length changes, then the serialized data is no longer correct, and PHP rejects it. This is why you will need a plugin or a script to do the migration. The most common problem you will see if migration is done wrong is widgets disappears. The same applies to Cornerstone.

Have you tried all in one migration that I have suggested above?


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