Menu color setting

Hello, I am a new user of your tool, I am in the process of configuring the general aspects of my site.
I would like to know where the option is to change the background color of my menu.

Here is the URL of my site:

Thanks in advance !

Hi Johann,

Thanks for reaching out.
You can change the color of navigation items from the Theme Options > Headers > Links as shown in the given screenshot.

Hope it helps.

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Thank you for your quick response, I cannot find the same presentation in my backoffice (see capture ;


Thank you for your quick response, I cannot find the same presentation in my backoffice (see capture ;

Hi Johann,

That should be inside the Headers tab as shown in the given screenshot.

Hope it helps.

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Thank you for your feedback, the option you showed me corresponds to the parameters of the menu hover items, I would like to be able to modify the background color of the menu, it is currently white.

Hello @JohannLamour,

You are using the Icon stack. It is designed to have a white navigation background color. If you want to modify it, please check out this old thread:

Simply replace the transparent with the hex code of your desired color.

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 11.38.03 AM

Be advised that custom coding is beyond the scope of our support under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, you may select our One service for further assistance.

Best Regards.

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Thank you for your feedback, it works!
How can I change the menu typography?

Hi Johann,

Inside the Theme Option > Header, you can find a Link to set the font family for the Navigation.

Hope it helps.

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Thanks for your feedback.

A little earlier in the conversation you showed me a CSS code to be able to apply a background color.
It turns out that this does not apply to the bottom of the submenu.
Is it possible to also provide me with the code for the bottom of the submenu.

I am attaching the relevant URL:
as well as a capture as an attachment.

Hello Johann,

In case you want to change the background color of the sub menu I would suggest you please add this custom CSS code to the Global CSS.

nav.x-nav-wrap.desktop .sub-menu {
background-color: #2196F3;

In case you want to change the font color of the submenu item I would suggest you please add this custom CSS code to global CSS.

nav.x-nav-wrap.desktop .sub-menu a {
    color: #FF9800;

Please feel free to change the color code as per your design. The purpose of providing custom CSS is to show you how to add CSS code to your site. Writing custom CSS is outside the scope of our theme support. If you need more customization, you need to learn CSS and learn how to use the browser’s element inspector or you subscribe to One where customization questions are answered.

Hope it helps.

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Thank you for your feedback, this is very useful!

The CSS codes you sent me work.

I would like to be able to capitalize the content of the submenu text.

Hello Johann

To capitalize the sub-menu text I would suggest you please add this custom CSS code to the global CSS

nav.x-nav-wrap.desktop .sub-menu li a {
    text-transform: capitalize;

The purpose of providing custom CSS is to show you how to add CSS code to your site. Writing custom CSS is outside the scope of our theme support. If you need more customization, you need to learn CSS and learn how to use the browser’s element inspector.In case you have no idea about coding you can subscribe to One where customization questions are answered.

Hope it helps.

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Thanks for your feedback, it works.

Hey Johann,

You’re most welcome!

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