MEC Plugin Update Not Working

We are trying to update the Modern Events Calendar plugin on our website that is included with the X Theme and it keeps giving me an error message of “An error occured while updating Moder Events Calendar- Update package not available.” We have also noticed that our copy of MEC is indicating that it’s “Not Verified” under the MEC Activation area within the settings tab. It’s looking for a purchase code, however we do not have one since we are using the X Theme. Do I need to go and purchase the MEC separately to be able to take advantage of the upgrades and the features? Please advise.

Our website is

Hello @o2designworks,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Upon checking the website I can see that you are running MEC 4.9.3. As of now the supported version of Modern Events Calendar is 2.1.0. In case if it’s not urgent I suggest you to wait till the time our developers rollout update for MEC as running latest and greatest version can cause compatibility issues. For more information I suggest you to take a look at our version compatibility guide.

Please note that the bundled version of Modern Events Calendar does not require validation.


Thank you for your quick response. We recently started using MEC within the last month, and so the downloaded version that is there has been downloaded from the theme itself. I will hold off on updating it until further rollouts from your developers.

I think there might be an error on your plugin version page: the bundled version of MEC should be 2.2.6

The version that I am showing is Version 2.2.6 on the plugin page. The update is requesting to move to version 2.4.0. This is the error message that I receive when I try and click on the version details “An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.” Any advise?

Hi there,

The Version Compatibility article is out of date and we will update it as soon as the major version release of theme is there. At the moment like @joblette mentioned the supported version is 2.2.6.

Please backup your website completely and delete the plugin. Then go to X > Overview and scroll down to see the M.E.C. and install and activate the extension there.

You will not lose your events and the backup is to make sure that you will not lose any data due to unexpected failur.

Thank you.

Thank you for your responses. I have done what you asked and have updated the plugin. It did work. What forum do I take questions regarding the actual MEC too? Such as "Why does it still show multiple day events multiple times on my events page when I select “Show only first day on List/Grid/Slider skins”?

Hello There,

​To assist you better with this issue, would you mind providing us the url of your site with login credentials so we can take a closer look? To do this, you can create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password

Thank you.

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